Something Different..


New member
Hope it's okay to post this..if not, please move or delete if needed!

I did an underground cook last weekend.
Injected a pork shoulder, chilled overnight then rubbed and wrapped in banana leaves..



dug a hole deep enough for the meat and a 6 to 8 inch bed of hot coals..


burned wood to make the hot coal bed..



placed a metal lid on the hole and buried the whole thing.. making sure no smoke escapes.


let it cook for 8 hours..




heated onions, wild onions and garlic..

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Jeanie, you have diplomatic immunity in my book! Great looking deep pit, love it. We all love pellets but we also love great BBQ in all its forms and this is a beautiful example. Thanks for sharing and mixing it up!


Here I am thinking what am I going to serve with the fish I make for dinner tonight and coming up blank. While Cowgirl comes up with this. She is cooking with a orchestra of knowledge and ideas while I have kazoo.
You are amazing!


New member
Awesome! WE have a rotisserie spit that we do chickens on, and occasionally a hog... IT comes with a stainless "open pit"... that you set up and do it about 2' off the ground.... I have ALWAYS wanted to do a true pit cook in a dugout pit!

That is awesome! Glad it turned out so nicely for you Looks phenomenal!!!

<to Kim, before she shoots me 'the look'> Oh honey....... daddy got a new post hole digger :)


New member
HOw about a comp where we have to cook with a chimney and a posthole digger....
The first 3 years of the "Polar Swine" event I host at Eisenhower state park... was stick burner only, with no thermostatic controlls/ fans / etc allowed.

I would love to cook a chimney and post hole digger comp!!! Count me IN!

Big Poppa

How much fun would that check in and get your posthole digger and banana leaves and butt....the only thing you can bring is your seasonings


New member
That sounds like a blast.. I would have to wait until the snow goes away though.
Once again you have outdone yourself cowgirl..


New member
Thanks everyone! The meat comes out nice and moist.. with a nice smokey flavor from the wood.
When I do whole hogs I use foil and wet burlap... I wanted to see if the leaves made a difference. (they didn't).
This method is great for brisket, turkeys, venison quarters... anything. I like to add a pot of beans in the pit sometimes too.
I do this while camping. Put a whole meal in the pit so I can go fishing. :)

Jeff, 8 hours is usually enough for a hunk of meat this size. Briskets can take 10 hours. Chickens about 4 hours. You do need a nice deep bed of hot coals made with hard wood.
They last the longest.

Thanks for the kind comments! It really is an easy meal to do.. after putting the meat in the pit you have the whole day to goof off. lol
Thanks. :)
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