Yesterday's food at the pool.


New member
this is what i cooked for the fam at the pool yesterday afternoon.

sorry for the blurry pictures. tequila was involved. had to show the kids how to do tequila poppers. i also had to feed my son's girlfriend who is a vege girl. away we go. mixed some onions, apples & broccoli w/ annies & some LL w/ P.

onto #336 at some temp. i think i just turned #336 on. didn't set a temp.

some more pig candy.

cooked pig candy at something? cooked some costco crab cakes. they were good.

couldn't keep my daughter out of the crab cakes.


sorry that the brocolli, onions and apples after photos. soon as i took it off the kids took it from me and in 5 minutes it was gone. a great family afternoon at the pool and only 1 person got thrown in the pool. and it wasn't me. i can hold my tequila. :)
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Big Poppa

Spark when I serve Pig Candy people usually go nuts and follow the plate around....really fabulous.
hanks for no pics of you poolside in the 49er's Speedo
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