BBQ-ing and Grilling what's the difference ? There is one ? :)


New member
Read a story by Southern Living on whats the difference in BBQ-ing and grilling here is the site BBQ v. Grilling: What's the Difference? on Shine
Funny because I'm guilty as they come on this .. but how many times you asked some one over and say " come over we are BBQ burgers tonight " :eek: should of been saying come over we are grilling burgers instead . And all this time thought I was BBQ burgers on a grill lol.
Guess its no difference than me asking one of my friends what kind of Coke to you want and him say Dr. Pepper or as northern friends say what kind of POP do you want ?
And of course I have dinner at noon when most have lunch they have dinner at 6 but I have supper.:D
Anyway it was a good article thought Y'all might enjoy reading it.
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