

New member
Wings sound good and maybe a tater. Tossed on some spuds before taking the kids to swimming. when I got back on go the wings. Do a little taste testing.

They shouldn't be done until almost 8 and the kids will have already eaten so more for me. Perfict.

Found some Asparagus in the fridge so why not and add some turkey bacon for the spud.


But No, the daughter wanted wings and wouldn't eat anything else so she stayed up for wings.


Quit taking pictures... My daughter already has 4 down and my son has eaten 1/2 my tater already. So the taste testing didn't go so good. It basically turned into a race eating wings, well that is what I thought if I was going to get any. She ended up eating close to 1/2 and my son pretty much took care of the spud. the asparagus was good though. Like the desert gold on it.
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