#678 is mine!


New member
my good friend Bill edu me with his 2 Star. i picked up a 1 star and the flamezone. all seasoned and ready for some steaks on saturday and a bacon/turkey breast on sunday. but with the flamezone and not using the greasepan, does it drip thru a lot? i can see its tilted then runs off and hits the grease pit.


Welcome to PS.com and welcome to the MAK family!

You will get some grease in your firebox that falls just right to make it through the holes but not a lot. But I'm one of those who thoroughly dislikes having any grease in my firebox so I take steps to avoid it.


The design of the flame zone is to be used only when grilling at high temps. At those temps any grease that happens to hit the center of the hole will mostly be burned up, the rest will get diverted around the dimples and drain down the pan. If you are not grilling make sure the flame zone is covered. Enjoy the new MAK 1 Star and thanks for buying American Made!
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