Jan asked me to smoke some chickens for her. Yeah I can do that so I rub two chickens with Jan's Rub and into the MAK they went. They were on the beer can chicken stands but only because I think they cook better vertically. Frankly I don't put a lot of faith in the beer can chicken method for additional flavor and moistness. No twist on the cooking.
The twist comes when I brought them in. I'm trying something a little different. If it works I'll tell you what I did. If it doesn't....... you people have never heard of me. ;D
In the interim, here is what they look like. 8)
The twist comes when I brought them in. I'm trying something a little different. If it works I'll tell you what I did. If it doesn't....... you people have never heard of me. ;D
In the interim, here is what they look like. 8)