Julia Child Remixed


New member
At 1:19 she said "You can't define these in a recipe, you can only know them by knowing how the food should taste." That is true mastery...I could only hope to achieve this level of total food consciousness.


New member
Yes she pretty much started cooking shows. I hate to say this but whenever I think of her the first thing that pops in my head is Dan Aykroid and the " Save the Liver" skit! I laughed until I cried! And to top it off she worked for the CIA in Sri Lanka in WW2. What a Gal!
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New member
That Dan Aykroid skit is the first thing I think of when Julia's name comes up. The movie Julia is the secoind thing I think of. My Dad passed along several of her cookbooks to me when he moved to his retirement home. He used them for a number of years and we never had a bad meal. Still good stuff to check out from time-to-time.

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