I know what you mean that's really to bad i can feel for you nothing worse than buying something and then it get's upgraded.
I was thinking about buying the new one star but i want the new grease drain system like is on a two star but they did not upgrade that on the 2016 one star it is just like the older ones with the gap in the front and back in order to get it upgraded i would have to buy some extra stuff i don't want.
So i have decided to shop some more i just don't know why they didn't upgrade the grease drain system also.
Ok so if i order a new Mak 1 star can i order just the new grease drain tray and flat drain pan and not have to buy the flame zone kit which i don't want?
It was my understanding that i would have to buy the Flame zone kit and the new flat drain pan which would add around $475.00 to the cost of the new 1 star.
If i have this all wrong i do apologize i just want a good smoker and have no need for a grill but i do like the new grease drain system on the 2 star and would want it on my new 1 star and i think that would make the 1 star perfect for what i would use it for.
Hi Ernie, no need to apologize just giving you information to your questions so you can make a decision that's best for you.
You can't "trade" the standard parts with the FZ kit because it isn't the same price to build them. The FZ kit which has the grease tray your talking about is made out of 14ga stainless and has multiple parts to weld together, plus it uses a different diffuser, and grease tray also made from stainless.
If your not grilling much the standard grease tray in the 1 Star actually works perfect because it allows the heat/smoke to roll right up into the cooking chamber. Unless you hang a bunch of meat over the "gap" you will be just fine. I have cooked 4 10lb pork butts on the lower grate of my one star many times with no issues, you just have to be aware of where you place them.
At this time we don't even have the FZ kits available for the 1 Star, still working on the design due to the new model being larger.