I have a 2 Star and have used it extensively in "low and slow" mode with the blank grease pan. I checked the temperature at the grill and it is consistently higher then what the Boss reads: Boss 225, actual 260, Boss 275, actual 327, Boss 325, actual 392, Boss 375, actual 455. This was done with nothing in the grill but get the same result when cooking. These were not spot temp since I let the temperature stabilize and used an industrial grade Thermoworks Q measuring device that I had checked in boiling water. I left the probe in the entire time and the higher readings were very consistent and did not fluctuate more then 5° plus or minus from the stable temperature. For cooking I use the grill temp and adjust the controller temp accordingly. I understand that the Boss uses some algorithm to do temperature averaging but do not understand how the difference between the Boss and the actual can be so different. Since the food is cooking at actual grill temperature not what the Boss calculates is the only way to cook at the desired temperature is to put an additional probe in the grill and adjust the Boss accordingly? Would prefer just setting the Boss and have it cook at the desired temperature.