I'm a bit OCD about checking to see if my MAK's setpoint and PB measured temps are "correct". I confess I do this for my home oven, my other smokers/grill/etc. I have a Fireboard 6 port wifi temp monitor, a Maverick XR-50 4 port temp monitor and a Thermoworks IR gun with an ambient K-probe. To tell the truth, it drives me a bit crazy, but I always want to know if my food is smoking/cooking at the temp I want, whether low or high heat. Of course testing the food's internal temp (IT) is the BEST way to measure "doneness", so this is really about desired cook temperature.
Do you separately monitor the ambient temp? Do you adjust the setpoint based on this, or just stay with the Pellet Boss setting?
I know MAK is working on an idea called a "roaming Thermo Couple" so that the TC can be placed closer to where the food is being smoked (see MAK DADDY's post on this). For example, I do a lot of smoking using the upper grate and this would allow placing the TC on the upper grate, thus providing temps to the Pellet Boss from beside the food up there versus the fixed location of back, lower left. Pretty great innovation in my opinion!
I'm a bit OCD about checking to see if my MAK's setpoint and PB measured temps are "correct". I confess I do this for my home oven, my other smokers/grill/etc. I have a Fireboard 6 port wifi temp monitor, a Maverick XR-50 4 port temp monitor and a Thermoworks IR gun with an ambient K-probe. To tell the truth, it drives me a bit crazy, but I always want to know if my food is smoking/cooking at the temp I want, whether low or high heat. Of course testing the food's internal temp (IT) is the BEST way to measure "doneness", so this is really about desired cook temperature.
Do you separately monitor the ambient temp? Do you adjust the setpoint based on this, or just stay with the Pellet Boss setting?
I know MAK is working on an idea called a "roaming Thermo Couple" so that the TC can be placed closer to where the food is being smoked (see MAK DADDY's post on this). For example, I do a lot of smoking using the upper grate and this would allow placing the TC on the upper grate, thus providing temps to the Pellet Boss from beside the food up there versus the fixed location of back, lower left. Pretty great innovation in my opinion!