Let me set this up...
It rained a lot up here and I keep my bagged pellets and pellets in cleaned plastic cat litter containers, outside, under a tarp. *After the rains, the underside of the tarp was wet. *I checked the pellets in the containers and they seemed a bit crumbly, but usable. *The stuff that looked like it was swollen and sawdust like, I dumped. *Now to the cook...
I had an overnight cook in my MAK 2 and used some pellets from a local BBQ retailer that were made for him. *After about 2/3 the way thru the cook, I noticed more smoke coming from the hopper than from the cook chamber. *I emptied out pellets down to the auger and saw lots of crumbly pellets, so I figured that the auger had broken up the soft pellets and jammed up the auger tube. *The MAK was holding temp well, so I let it go for a while longer, but nothing changed. *Fortunately, I was able to fire up the Primo, get it to temp and swap over my chuck for the rest of the cook.
Once the Mak cooled, I looked in the firebox and saw that it was pretty full, so I figured I would have to clean out the auger tube. *The tube looked clear. *When I went to vac out the firebox, I found that it was full of stuff that looked like a mix of sawdust and this weird solid stuff that looked like a cross between glass, plastic and metal, but it was really light weight. *
I've used these pellets before with no problems. *What is this stuff and why did it happen this cook and not prior cooks with the same pellets??? If this is creosote, then why did it happen?
It rained a lot up here and I keep my bagged pellets and pellets in cleaned plastic cat litter containers, outside, under a tarp. *After the rains, the underside of the tarp was wet. *I checked the pellets in the containers and they seemed a bit crumbly, but usable. *The stuff that looked like it was swollen and sawdust like, I dumped. *Now to the cook...
I had an overnight cook in my MAK 2 and used some pellets from a local BBQ retailer that were made for him. *After about 2/3 the way thru the cook, I noticed more smoke coming from the hopper than from the cook chamber. *I emptied out pellets down to the auger and saw lots of crumbly pellets, so I figured that the auger had broken up the soft pellets and jammed up the auger tube. *The MAK was holding temp well, so I let it go for a while longer, but nothing changed. *Fortunately, I was able to fire up the Primo, get it to temp and swap over my chuck for the rest of the cook.
Once the Mak cooled, I looked in the firebox and saw that it was pretty full, so I figured I would have to clean out the auger tube. *The tube looked clear. *When I went to vac out the firebox, I found that it was full of stuff that looked like a mix of sawdust and this weird solid stuff that looked like a cross between glass, plastic and metal, but it was really light weight. *
I've used these pellets before with no problems. *What is this stuff and why did it happen this cook and not prior cooks with the same pellets??? If this is creosote, then why did it happen?