Taking One For The Team


New member
I had a little spare time yesterday and decided for the good of the forum, I would embark on a little research program....Twisting up Jeanie's Apple Dumpling recipe!

Here we have used layers of Pineapple and brown sugar, topped off with a cherry and dusted with oatmeal. (I made one with oatmeal because I wasn't sure how much liquid the pineapple would release during cooking)

Here we have pineapple without oatmeal....no noticable difference in moisture content.

Cherry pie filling was tried as well...white sugar (instead of brown) was dusted on the egg wash for the cherry ones

We even experimented with different containment vessels...this worked too.

The braver souls messed around with presentation, but this is the only acceptable method for me!

This was a lot of fun and in the interest of accurate reporting, I want you to know I made sure I tried some of each kind! :D

Edit: The other two were Cowgirl's standard apple version to serve as a control. They were awesome (but you already knew that, right?)
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New member
OK give us the report card.....I tried Jeanies this weekend with KY smoke and loved them

Sorry. All of these were great! Which is better really depends on your fruit preference. I wouldn't hesitate to serve any of these as the only dessert. I really liked offering a choice, so making a variety will probably happen more often than not. Next time I think I will experiment with making them even smaller (easier to take two if you can't make up your mind!)

Jeanie, thanks for the inspiration!


Rip, you're a good man.

My brother, knowing the pain you must have endured forcing yourself to try each and every one...

well, it just brings a tear to my eye ;)!

They look great! Another great example of a recipe shared and enjoyed by others.
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You poor soul! Thanks for jumping on the grenade, they all look delicious. Love the idea of small ones so everyone can try different flavors.

Big Poppa

Rip is selfless...he goes into the dark house first to make sure there are no boogie bears....he opens the suspicious packages in the garage just incase of terrorists...and he tries the different fruit dumplings. America Salutes you Rip my friend......

Those look great.
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