bbq log software


New member
Came across a post about a BBQ Log Software. A lot of you seemed interested in it at the time. Are you still using it? If not just paper in a binder? I keep some scrap paper around but defiantly think it is time to listen to you all and really do a better job of keeping logs so I can take it to the next level.


I have it loaded on my PC but still have yet to manually convert a couple hundred MS excel spreadsheet cooks that I did prior to having Jim's BBQ Log software. I need to find someone willing to work cheap to do all the data entry for me! Maybe I'll see what I can find in the parking lot of the nearest Home Depot... ;)


BBQ Log Software

As with most software it is never done or should I saying always changing. This Week the app needed to run this on a iPad has changed and the newest version of the app will be FREE. It does require me to convert both the MAC and PC versions, which I plan this weekend after I visit Wildomar. The software (which is Free) will run on any computer with XP or greater on a PC.


New member
I use a spreadsheet based on one I got from It's really handy. I'd love the software. I didn't see it in the app store. Where can I get it?


I have been working with and on this. I realize the work sheet had to many items on it. I revisited the sheet at Amazing Ribs and took out a bunch of the items I wasn't using and frankly was in the way. So now the software mirrors the Amazing Ribs sheet. I did add a web viewer so hopefully you can see the MAK Grills WiFi Mobile website or a Stoker page etc. On a iPad and iPhone it uses the app FileMaker Go 12. The app is free. I figure most would use on the iPhone or iPad . There is a stand alone version for Mac and PC too. I will try and post some videos and links in the next few days.


Barbecue Software

Here is the link to download and the videos on the software.The first two videos are from the first version. Below the second video if you click on "Using BBQ iLog" it will play the current video on the newest version. Below that link is the download page link.

BBQ iLog is the stand alone program for a Mac

BBQ iLog is the stand alone program for the PC

BBQ iLog.fmp12 is the actual file. If you are using just a iPad or iPhone this is all you need
with the Filemaker Go app from the app store which is Free.
One the iPad/iPhone once you have installed the Filemaker Go 12 app. Email your self the BBQ iLog.fmp12 file. In the email click on it and it will ask what app to open it with choose Filemaker and your ready to go. The next time you open the filemaker app the file will be there.

Here is the link Jims Barbecue BBQ Log


New member
I just found this on an old post a short time ago and i'm just starting to use it thanks again to all who I'm sure put lots of time into creating,yet still offer it for free.


Q; is there an iPad version?
It is designed for the iPad . The BBQ iLog.fmp12 is the actual file that runs on your iPad with the FileMaker Go 12 app from the App Store , which is free . FileMaker software is owned by Apple, so you would think it is designed with all iOS devices in mind. They are at version 12 of this software. Around version 2 or 3 they made it available to windows so the installed base would be large enough to support is still one of the top database programs around. Because it is a database and not numerous spreadsheets it allows you to search through all the records you make. Any issues pm me or call me at (SOB)Beef-BBQ

CDN Smoker

New member
I called 702-233-3227 and they said it was the wrong number.

I have the filemaker software on my ipad now trying to find the BBQ ILOG


New member
Just downloaded. Basically just read your post and it was easy to download.
Looks like it will be very useful. Put it to use this weekend.



New member
For backup I am guessing...
settings button on top right, export, and email it to myself.

to get import just email yourself the file from a backup and open with filemaker.
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