Cold smoking in hot weather climates like Florida???


New member
I would like to try cold smoking things like cheese. And today had a video showing the tube version of the Amazin cold smoker. His ambient temp was 70 degrees and the hottest that the interior of his smoker got to was 92 degrees. Since my patio faces the SW and my ambient temps are 90+ degrees out there, I want to make sure that I don't create a petri dish of bacteria trying to use that puppy.

Is there anyone out there that uses the cold smoker method in these weather conditions? I'd appreciate any input you might have. Horror stories included. ;->


Dee in hot, humid Florida


Gallon ziplock bags filled with ice and placed in the smoker/grill prior to lighting the tube and placing the cheese in the smoker/grill will aid in keeping the temps down.


New member
I am ordering one of these babies for doing pork shoulders. I think this would get too hot for cold smoking cheese.
I have an AMNPS and it works awesome for cold smoking cheese.
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