Dumb Question re Pork Butt


New member
I just bought a pork butt from our local natural meat store. It is wrapped in a net that is keeping it in a tight bundle like a roast. I assume the best thing for smoking is to remove that net. There is nothing holding the meat together in BP's video. Am I right?


Ed Brady
Colorado Springs


New member
Can't say I have ever seen a pork butt in netting.... Can you call the meat store where you bought it to ask about smoking with it still on or what they suggest?


New member
Probably a boneless butt. Netting will be under the outer wrap. I would take the wrap andnet off and tie with cotton string. Then smoke as usuall.


Probably right about the boneless, when they do that the thing will flop open. when I get those I just prop them up best I can and smoke away, besides it allows for more seasoning area :) The turkey boulders come with that netting, I usually remove it to get the saesoning on it then put it back on to smoke it. Just have to be sure to remove the netting while its still warm or it will rip a lot of meat off with it.


yep, I agree that it's boneless and the netting is holding it together. It won't hurt if you just leave the net on until the end.


Or... if it's boneless take the netting off, cut the butt in half where the bone was, apply rub to both halves & smoke them get more bark. I do that quite often and love the results.


New member
I agree, most likely b-less. In the future, whether bone-in or b-less, turn the butt fat side up with the thickest side away from you (where the bone was removed). You should notice a subtle "V" shape on the thinner end. make a shallow cut about 2 or 3 inches from the bottom. You are looking for a gland which is present in a fairly good sized piece of fat, which we always remove. I will take a photo at work today and hopefully get it posted this afternoon. I have been cutting meat for many years, please feel free to ask away; I will help if I have the info.


New member
I uploaded the pics in a thread entitled "pork butts". I am still feeling my way around the forum, hope I am posting correctly, if not please let me know. As always, any questions are welcomed and believe me, there is no such thing as a stupid question. Always willing to help out if I can.......
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