Locating the Gland in Pork Butts


New member
Hi Guys, there are glands all over animals. Mostly, the pork belly has a gland and also lamb legs, fresh hams and beef rounds have a gland. As you will notice in this pic, I have circled the gland (which I cut in 1/2 while peeling back a layer of meat.

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New member
Yeah, it's not like they are harmfull. Sometimes they can be hard to spot, and it's busy.....and --oops. But mostly we remove them. On another note, stopped in @ Home Depot today looking for food grade pelletts; suggested that maybe they should look into it, but looks like I will be buying my first batch on line. I am open to suggestions and thankful for any advice.

Matt Dalton

New member
Yeah, it's not like they are harmfull. Sometimes they can be hard to spot, and it's busy.....and --oops. But mostly we remove them. On another note, stopped in @ Home Depot today looking for food grade pelletts; suggested that maybe they should look into it, but looks like I will be buying my first batch on line. I am open to suggestions and thankful for any advice.

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I was able to locate the gland once when I was looking for it. If you carefully pull all your butt by hand you'll remove it and will not eat it by accident. It has a somewhat off taste to it so if you don't want your guests to wonder "what the heck was that" then you'll want to pull your butts by hand. If you use one of those drill bit attachments that just instantly shred an entire butt at once then someone will be getting a surprise in their pulled pork sammie.

Matt Dalton

New member
I was kidding with you.
haha I know..you know when we have had smaller ones my knife skills have come in very handy..just a slight angle will give a bigger piece..same with brisket..can you tell I'm itching to comp?..and that brisky s going on the MAK again!


New member
Thanks Matt! Excellent tip Scooter! After so many years of production cutting, it's easy to overlook the cooking method. Great tip.
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