MAK vs Memphis


New member
Here is the new guy with a bunch of questions.

I am in the education and selection process for a smoker and have focused on MAK or Memphis. I have not seen or touched a MAK, but the local Ace was demoing a Memphis Pro on sale for $1,999. It is great looking and seems very well made. Heartland has been around for a long time and apparently has excellent customer service. I like that it is insulated (I live in Colorado), but it does seem to be pretty complex - two augers, two fans, etc. I looked at the MAK videos and appreciate how simple it would be to swap out, say, an igniter on the 1 Star and that seems bound to happen at some point. I can't tell how easy or difficult it would be to get into the Memphis Pro.

There are a lot of MAK fans on this forum and obviously their customer service is first rate, but that company is relatively new. Whatever I buy it is important for the company to stay in business for the long term.

I feel pretty sure that either of these units will give good results once I learn how to use them, but one might be better. If I decide to go with MAK do I really need a 2 Star? I don't expect to prepare huge meals, but I don't know enough to judge all the features.

Any thoughts for me? Any things I need to think about?

I am really happy to have found this group. Thanks in advance for your help


New member
well, i have owned a memphis and a mak or two. i like the maks but if you are going to get a memphis get the advantage. the maks do so much. i have a mak grill grate, mak skillet, flame zone and a pellet boss controller that will let me do just about anything. plus the maks do come w/ a remote control if you like that. me, i like going out to the grills (it gets me out of the house, wife and 2 daughters). just depends what you want to cook? oh, one more thing. the mak pellet boss has meat probes that you can put in your meat (memphis has a meat probe too but not as advanced) and tell the grill to turn off after your pork butt hits 195º. a grill that thinks so i don't have to. i use the user programs alot.
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There are a lot of MAK fans on this forum and obviously their customer service is first rate, but that company is relatively new. Whatever I buy it is important for the company to stay in business for the long term.

Any thoughts for me? Any things I need to think about?

Longevity was also a concern for me. To alleviate your fears just a little, keep in mind that MAK grills is a part of MAK Metals which has been around since 2004. Check out their website: MAK Metals

We looked at both Memphis and MAK as well. Both are high quality and made in the USA. It will depend on your cooking style. The Memphis gets hotter. But we chose MAK because of the options and the amount of interaction I have seen with Bob (MAk Daddy) on this very forum. We are absolutely loving our 1 Star General and cannot find any complaints if we tried.


New member
I am in the same boat. Trying to decide on the Mak and Memphis until on another site they started talking about the Cook Shack pg500. its close in price that i want to spend but waiting on their review. I understand its a new product and no one has used one but Cook shack seems like they make nice commercial products.

Big Poppa

I am a MAK and Memphis Dealer....the other site is moderated by a gmg employee and owned by a fast eddy cookshack dealer.....

Full disclosure.


New member
You really can't go wrong either way. I chose the MAK two star for the following reasons: Trap door makes it easy to change pellets, three temperature remotes, programability with the pellet boss, it is starting to get cold here, and I will soon be ordering a remote pellet boss, the warmer drawer/cold smoker is a nice feature. I have been very happy with the MAK and the service from BPS.


New member
Thanks, all, for these helpful responses. I have been using my Lynx gas grill regularly for over ten years and done tons of food on it and always willing to try something new. My problem now is that I do not know how I will use a pellet grill, I just know I'll use it often.

My big concern was about the complication of the Memphis, but no one seems concerned about that. I guess I am leaning toward the MAK 1 Star, but still have some thinking to do. Whatever I get it looks like this group will be a wonderful resource.

Thanks again.


New member
I have a built-in Lynx gasser that I purchased 3 years ago for a lot of money. When Big Poppa heard I purchased one, he told me that I'd never use it after I started using my pellet smokers. Well, he was right. I've probably used it less than 10 times as compared to hundreds of times for my smokers. If this gasser wasn't built-in, I'd get rid of it as I have done with my other gassers. In any event, I have a Mak 2 star, a Mak 1 star and 3 Memphis Pro SS at different locations. If I was limited to one purchase and I wanted bang for my buck, I would get the Mak 1 star. The Mak and Memphis are pretty equal, except I believe you get more smoke from the Mak. My advice to you is to sell you Lynz and get 2 smokers that are in your budget.


New member
Well you have read many comments on the mak, but keep in mind the only one that counts. It makes killer Q.


New member
thanks for the info BIg Poppa, from their reivews it looks like they give the memphis and Mak a fair shake. So will be curious to see how the PG500 does. Its hard making decisions with so many good smokers out there. I guess it will come down to best bang for the buck, which grill offers the most features.

So Cal Smoker

New member
When it comes to which grill offers the most features, the MAK is way out front plus the owner of MAK Grills (Bob) always makes himself available to you for any questions or help you may want or need.


New member
When it comes to which grill offers the most features, the MAK is way out front plus the owner of MAK Grills (Bob) always makes himself available to you for any questions or help you may want or need.

How is that? From what i can tell the 500 has 4 cooking zones, stainless, has cold smoking section, charbroiler and controller looks customizable. Not sure on Customer service but cant imagine them being bad if they have been in business so long, plus the under 1400 price is great. Seems like i would have to go to a 2 star just to get some of the features when i was looking at a 1 star at first. I understand the controller is nice and has the ability to do blue tooth and such but I am not sure where the more features are. Can you please help explain. From what i have read on the forum there customer service is top notch.


These things always end up in "Ford vs. Chevy" type debate, you need to evaluate the cooker based on your budget, cooking style, and features you will use. This is a great time to be cooking with pellets as their are so many great options. Like BP says, if your cooking with pellets it's all good.
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Big Poppa

I think the worst thing is when anyone regardless of brands posts for third party opinions and then argues about it. Im sure the 500 is a nice unit...They probably fixed some of the things that I didnt like in the 1000....None of us have any experience with the next grill....the other forum that is testing them is a dealer for them as I said.

You cant make a bad choice there are just some that are better for you...Decide and start cooking! have fun in your journey!


New member
I'll say this much. I went back and forth with the MAK 2 star (there was no 1 star at the time) and the Memphis.

I have never, in the year and a half since I got it, had a single moment where I ever questioned my choice.


New member
I have had my 1star for about month and half now. I can't say anything bad about the other choices in pellet grills because I don't know. However I can tell you this if you buy a MAK you will be glad that you did. My 1star puts out the smoke that I like and it gets the job done. Also when the flame zone comes out for this model that will make it even better it will be the perfect grill IMO.


New member
sorry, wasnt trying to cause any issues. I just listed the stuff that i found different and wanted to find out if i was missing anyting in comparison.

Big Poppa

NO Its fine...I was just saying that people are giving you their advice from their experience...nobody but those other guys have the inside on the grill you are asking for as they are dealers.
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