New Pellet Grill owner


New member
i love ya kim. that's to funny.
Sometimes you have to take them to their limits to break new ground. :eek:

I've been a "pit breaker" for years. You'd be surprised at the list of design changes I have suggested to manufacturers that make it through to production. We were one of the first folks to have Country Smokers, and they have changed radically since we got ours. The cookers we have had the biggest impact on are the Kingfishers... totally redesigned fireboxes, etc. on them over the years. My pit sponsor actually got them to build a pit for us to the spec. that he and I put together for a comp pit. (attaching thier 4 tray "backyard" rotisserie, to one of their offset combos, trailered). That became the "BK". I think it is their best seller of the trailered pits now LOL.

We did some early testing on the GMGs, before they had the controller they do now. The original prototypes actually shut the fan off (which created an acrid smoke), And originally they only had low/med/high (still digital, and thermostat controlled - but only three temps)., the door would burn you if opened based on handle placement... fun things like that. I have not played with the most current version, but the last iteration was a pretty good cooker. If you have ever had an auger shaft bind, or pellets swell and clog the delivery channel, etc... that would be the final flaw with those units. I like gravity based delivery the best. Having said that, being able to remove the firepot with a pin on the MAKs sure does help the situation. I didn't have the panels opened to see how easy it is to get the motor off the shaft to do repairs/free them up, but I would imagine it is well thought out. Everything on the MAKS seems to be well designed! On the old traegers, you actually had to cut through a welded piece of metal to get it out of the way to get a set of vice grips on their auger shaft. I would bet the new traegers don't have that guard there anymore... or if they do, they are bolted up.

Wow. Not sure how I meandered and got to here... Just point me back to the foyer please ;)
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