Quick Ribs?


New member
Hello all. I've had my MAK 1 star for about two months now and absolutely love it. It has produced some of the best food I have ever cooked. I am planning on cooking four racks of back ribs tonight. Catch is I'll only have 1 1/2 to 2 hours of actual grill time. Anyone ever attempted to hurry ribs on the MAK? I was thinking 350 for 90 minutes or so with lots of mop? Any thoughts on pellet chioce? My current options are oak, wine soaked oak, hickory, walnut, and charcoal. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I should be able to add pics tomorrow.


Hot & fast is OK, but they might not have the smoke profile you want, but yes you can get them done and tender enough to eat in about 2 hours. Nor will they have a smoke ring. 350° will work for this.

But as for lots of mop... Forget it, because every time you open the lid to mop you'll lose heat. You'll be better off putting a water pan under them to create some moist heat and leaving the lid shut. Remember: if you're lookin' you're not cookin'!

Rub on your favorite rub and as for pellets, I'd go with the Walnut to kick the smoke flavor up a notch since your doing them hot & fast.

Let us know how they turn out. We love pics... lots & lots of pics! :)


My speed ribs go at 300* for 1.5 hour, then 50 mins in foil, then out of the foil and sauce then back in for 10-15 mins to set up the sauce. You will get virtually no smoke profile unless you have a smoke generator or you compensate with a sauce heavy in natural smoke flavoring.
The above time/temps will give you close to a perfect bite off the bone texture for a comp rib. When doing for a crowd of non judges you can go 15-20 mins longer in the foil to get more fall off the bone texture that regular people like.
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New member
if you will only have that amount of time in the cooker, you can always wrap and finish for tenderness in the oven...
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