Traveling some slabs..need advice on best way


New member

This weekend I am going to smoke some ribs here in my town. Then drive them to a near by lake for a party. The drive time will be about an hour and a half. So I figure the ribs will sit for a max of 3 - 4 hours once done before they are devoured.

My plan would be that once they are done to wrap them in foil. Put towels in a cooler..throw the foiled ribs in..then cover with more towels and remove 3 or 4 hours later?

Does this sound right or does someone have a better way?

Also I am assuming to keep the ribs on the slab and do not cut until it's time to eat? Or would you cut them before packing them in foil?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!:cool::cool:



New member
We did ribs ahead for a Dolphins football tailgate.

Here's what I did - I lined the bottom of the cooler with a (old) towel, then I put in 2 foil wrapped bricks that had spent some time in a 500F oven

Another layer of towels, then the ribs, wrapped in foil and towels.

Still pipping hot when I broke them out at the game.

With butts and brisket I don't bother with the bricks, but with the lower mass of the ribs I wanted some more mass, hence the bricks.

Yes, I took along the cutting board and knife so I could slice the ribs on-site.


If you take them from the cooker to the cooler wrapped in towels you'll need to allow for them to continue to cook in the cooler otherwise you could end up with pulled pork on a stick.

Either pull them off a bit before they're done then straight into the cooler and allow the cooler to finish the cooking process on the way to the event. Or, pull them when they're done and allow some of the heat energy to drain off before placing them in the cooler.
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New member
Thanks Bent Rider!!

Scooter I was wondering about that. I was thinking I might want to let them rest for 20 minutes or so then put them in the cooler? If they need heated I can use the oven where I am going most likely.

Thank you.


10 mins should do it loosely tented. You just want to drain that big heat in the beginning when they first come out.
An oven would be OK to reheat but I'd put them on a grill when you get there to reheat. you can do it indirect or direct if you want to carmelize the sauce a bit. Your choice.
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