When does your smoking season start?


New member
I lived in sunnyvalle for a few years never remembered it getting that hot. Of course that was about 40 years ago. Must be global warming.


I have had my MAK for three seasons so far and haven't stopped, will be dressing a little warmer when the next one gets here.

Meat Man

New member
Here in Utah we get a bit of snow, one year we had a big dump and I didn't get to my grill for two weeks. Last year I bought a small Honda snow blower so I could carry it to the back yard were my grills are. I love grilling in the winter, funny so does my wife.


New member
I'm a year-round smoker too. :)
In the fall and winter I have the smokehouse going too. Between hunting season and processing pork for the winter, the smokehouse gets a lot of use.
I did push the Memphis Pro last winter. Gave it the cold weather test at 9 degrees F... it worked beautifully! I've not had huge amounts of snow to deal with in the last few years but when I do, I get out the weed burner to melt a path to what ever cooker I need.
(yes, I might be a country girl lol )


New member
Year round here. True, I do more grilling than smoking, but I gotta keep my stock of pulled pork and shredded beef in the freezer so have something for lunches at work! Nothing like seeing my coworkers faces when I bring tasty BBQ to work every day of the week! ;-)

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New member
Got my first pellet smoker in December and haven't stopped yet baby....
Ontario is one extreme to another, I've been grilling in -30 to +30. Just roll the Traeger out of the garage shovel a little snow a your in business..
I cover my grill to retain some heat

Keep your stick on the ice.


New member
I smoke year round.. I have a winter cover(welding blanket type) that helps reduce the pellet use..

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