Contest Idea


New member
Doing a competition in a month or so. Chicken and ribs are only 2 regular categories...also, they have chef's choice to be presented on a platter and dessert...

Any ideas on a knockout chef's choice?


New member


Whatever you choose to do consider that the same judges that judged the chic, ribs, pork & brisket part of the contest will most likely be judging your chef's choice so DO NOT send in any chic, ribs, pork or brisket for your Chefs choice!!!
I judged a contest last month with ancillary categories with one of them being Capt's Choice (same as Chef's). Of the six entries I was given to judge 4 of them were ribs or pulled pork. I gotta tell you that after judging the four meats in a contest the last thing I want to eat is more of the same! All of us at the table were very disappointed with those four "Chefs". If you want to get a judges attention, especially after judging the four meats already, give them some dessert or even something vegetarian. I guarantee a tasty dessert or veg will score high with the judges!


Here are some pics of some of my ancillary categories this year to help give you some ideas

Lamb was the category
This one got 9-9-9 from all of us. Even after eating all the meat we had eaten that day these lamb burgers were the entry of the day. Specialty brioche bun, massive slice of beefsteak tomato. Those burgers were juicy and tasty!!! All the other tables envied ours because of this one entry. We all high fived our table captain!

This one got 8-9-9. Sliced smoked lamb with two types tapenade, roasted garlic and crostini. It was FANTASTIC!!

Vegetarian category
Savory flavored grains and pastas with pungent cheeses and fresh vegies! Grilled veg and fruit. This stuff will win the heart of any judge after the four meat categories!!
Look at how I judged. 203-210-206 are the top left to right. 223-209-204 are the bottom row left to right.
Check out how well plain old grilled corn did! It doesn't have to be fancy, just good.


Pork belly category

While not as light and refreshing as a veg category we still enjoyed it because it was NOT the four meats we just judged!! ;)
Smoked pork belly with an arugula salad and grilled fruit, don't recall what type, drizzled with aged balsamic vinegar.

Deep fried pork belly

Bacon wrapped sausage, bacon wrapped loin (I think), Pork belly candy on the far right.

Other veg entries that went to other tables
Two versions of mac and cheese.

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New member
Scooter, those are some of the best presentations I have ever seen. I can only imagine that they tasted as good as they looked. You are one lucky judge.
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