Epic fail!!! At least i get to eat the mistakes, right?


New member
Tried making pizza on the grill. Got a cool new pizza stone and everything. Problem numero uno--the dough sticks to EVERYTHING!!! First two tries looked ridiculous. I don't know what was worse, getting them onto the peel in the first place or transferring them to the stone! Finally got one to look kind of like a pizza. Unfortunately, I burned the living $h!t out of all of them. That was my second problem. All three crusts were charred beyond all recognition. On the bright side, my wife and little boy loved the parts that weren't burnt, so I think I'm on the right track. I think my biggest mistake was putting the stone directly over the coals. Oh well, live and learn. Sorry, no pictures. I didn't want evidence of this one. Don't even ask about the cookies I tried to throw on the stone....
Gonna try again this weekend. Anybody got any tips?


New member
I use my frogmats for pizza, not a pizza stone. I highly recommend giving them a try. Big Poppa sells various sizes that will fit your grill.

As for the dough, what are you using; homemade or store bought? I've never used store bought, so I can't offer any advice there. If you making your own dough, make sure it's not too wet and you proof it long enough. I've found that longer is better, but maybe that's just the recipe I'm using. Also, put a copious dusting of flour or cornmeal to keep it from sticking. Don't let it sit too long on the peel before transferring to the grill, that is certain to cause it to stick to the peel.

Sounds like you going in the right direction. I had quite a few bad episodes as well, where the end product was not even recognizable as a pizza. Keep tweaking your technique and you'll be creating perfect pies in no time!

Chili Head

New member
Smalls what kind of grill are you using? I think if you try an indirect heating method You'll have better results.

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New member
some pizza tips -

if you are cooking on something with direct heat you need something to protect the stone. I use a round pizza pan underneath my round stone on my weber. If the flames hit the stone it may crack.

if you are using a pizza peel - use some cornmeal or semolina on the peel (personally I skip the cornmeal/semolina & I use parchment paper approximately the size of the pizza that I am going to make, it won't burn (with indirect heat anyways)), put your pizza skin on the peel and dress the pizza, once you get it on the peel don't let it sit too long. During this process keep jiggling it so that it doesn't have a chance to stick.

The round shape will come with time, when I first started making pizza Kevin & my husband used to look at the pizza and look at each other and laugh - something about this pizza looks like this state, this one like this one, what state do you want to eat.

Big Poppa

I find that pizza is great but we get the idea that since both wood fired pizza ovens and the commercial gas ones cook at aboput 600-700 degrees that we should do it too....the biggest difference is that as mentioned before they are using a very very indirect heat....The idea is to get the pizza to cook evenly and with that you really should back down your temp first....you are cooking on a weber it will get done....FInd the perfect amount of coals and position them indirectly that gives you the right texture on the crust and cooks the toppings just right.

Another good trick is to have the stone or whatever you use with the corn meal...I only use frog mats if I cook at 400 or less....they are perfect then...but the super sneaky one I found is to roll out the dough and place it on some pam sprayed foil and take out to the gril with your toppings and just turn the foil upside down and let drop onto the stone and then assemble your pizza on the grill ...wuickly so you dont lose too much heat.

remember it is a creative journey.....I do my own dough...I but Trader Joes Dough I find a pizza parlor that has crust I like...but mostly lately I admit that I have fallen for good old costco take and bake and I cook them on the grill grates I just love the texture of he crust.....I know it is now snobby or cool but try them....I served one for a foodie snob and he was raving about it until I told him then he back pedaled like Lance Armstrong from a urine test.
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