Decided I would grill some bone-in ribeyes on 829. Break out the flame zone pan, setpoint to high and let it rip, lid closed to take the heat as high as possible. Temp hits 485, steaks go in, close lid again. About 5 minutes in I notice TONS of smoke coming out of 829. I'm thinking "this can't be good". I open the lid to see what is going on. Nothing on fire......for about 5 seconds and then FIRE! All of the fat that rendered from the steaks and was sitting on the flame zone pan only needed the breath of fresh air to spontaneously combust. I immediately opened the warmer box and grabbed the steaks off of the grill and tossed them into the warmer box. Immediately closed the lid on the grill and lowered the setpoint and the fire was out within 15 seconds. The good news is 829 was not damaged in any manner and the steaks were perfect. The bad news? As I was closing the lid I saw all of the "seasoning" that had accumulated on the interior of 829 fall off in sheets and expose bare stainless steel again. I spent a couple of hours yesterday cleaning 829's interior.
Oh well, could have been much worse and I learned yet another lesson about the MAK.
Oh well, could have been much worse and I learned yet another lesson about the MAK.