SO we have grand plans for this forum....then covid hit and we are just buried...Im going to try to post a little and try to keep up with the spammers!
Let me start by asking if you still have to use photobucket to post pics? its been so long!
Hey Poppa, I don't use photobucket. The insert image from computer doesn't work, at least for me. It allows me to select from my computer but then just sits there. On a Mac using Chrome. Needless to say I just don't post photos because of this. I would like to see implemented a simple drag and drop into the quick reply box. Many many sites support this.
I do not use Photobucket either. I think they changed their support of "free" photo sharing and many forums have moved away from PB, and allowing members to insert or attach photos.
SO we are looking at new forum software for here and V BUlletin is done no support. Anybody have any tips of a forum you enjoy and what the software is? Thanks
It allows both attachments and inserts of photos. The insert function works really well so that you can input text, then a pic, then more text, then another pic, etc. I'm not sure how customized it is, but I do know they have a regular Web tech that responds to bugs, feature requests, etc.
Thank you so much for getting the upgrade done! For whatever reason I wasn't unable to do anything on the old site any longer. Just as soon as I would log in it would kick me out. This seems so much better now.