I need more smoke


New member
I just picked up a 450 Louisiana and really like the flavor and versatility of the pellet smoker. A buddy and I bought a stick burner a few years back and got hooked. I smoked my first tri tip this weekend for a little over 2 hours at 200 and finished at 475 for about 5 or 6 minutes on each side. It had great flavor but little to no smoke flavor. I wonder if a smoke generator would help since I'm used the heavy smoke our stick burner gives us. I used Bear Mountain hickory pellets from Costco.

Big Poppa

This is the most current topic along with temps....

You can get an amazin pellet smoker or tube from us and add smoker...you can get a smoke daddy....but

I really believe that a pellet smoker does what it does....a very gentle smoke super efficient burn and convection cooking. I think iyt is sort of like trying to make it do what it doesnt do. I also dont believe that even with these aux deals that the smoke is the same as a stick burner.

The other thing Ive discovered from running this and the store is that a lot of stick burners are used to a really heavy over the top smoke...one that dominates the flavor profile....


New member
How does a MES compare? Can I get more smoke consistant with a stick burner with it? Just curious if theres a more set it and forget system that does heavy smoke. Thanks for the reply.


New member
Ditto on the tube smoker. And a plus is that you can use it to cold smoke in your 450. (for smoking cheese and the like)


68sting, your pellet choice may have an effect on the smoke flavor you are getting. BM pellets are alder based with the flavorwood added. Alder is a pretty mild smoke and the majority of the pellet is alder. BBQr's Delight pellets are oak based with the flavorwood added. Oak gives off a much heartier smoke flavor along with the hickory.

Don't get me wrong, BM is a good pellet. I have burned a lot of them but I switched to BD as I liked the flavor profile and heat from them better.


New member
Thanks for the replys. I'll try and smoke generator and another brand of pellets. I also realize I won't get the same smoke out of this unit that the stick burner got.


Here are a few things we do when we want a heavier smoke profile.

1) Cook at a lower temp,

2) Put the meat on while it's still COLD from the fridge,

3) Put the meat on the pellet grill while the grill is still cold. Take advantage of the extra smoke from the warm-up time.

4) Run in smoke mode for a while first, then turn the heat up to cook.

Remember, the longer it takes for the exterior of the meat to reach 140° the more smoke it can absorb.

5) Add a water pan/can to the pit.


New member
My wife used to complain smoked food from my gas smoker was "too smokey" and "over smoked " for her palette. She has never complained about the pellet smoked food.

So you can use these alternatives that have been given to you by other members to increase smoke flavor if you like.

I have hickory smoked salt that I will use sometimes to boost smoked flavor. You can use it in a rub or just salt your food as you normally would when done. It is pretty easy to make your own smoked salt. I also have smoked sugar too. Works well in rubs and will even give your morning coffee a "hickory kick" ;)


New member
I like a good smoke flavor and got used to it with my Primo. The Tube added enough smoke to my cooks to make them taste just like it came from the Primo. If adding the Tube to your regular cooks still isn't enough, try cold smoking your meat first, then going on to the regular cook. But really, adding the Tube should get you where you want to be.
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