Mad at UPS


New member
Here's what I found when I started to unpack my new Memphis Pro. Wife signed for it while I was at work. Slightly crushed no big deal get boxes like that all the time. Not so this time, it clear this took a high g-force hit to shear steal around a rivet an the other damage.








Calling Big Poppa now.

GA Que

New member
Sorry to see your smoker in this condition. I guess the bright yellow "High Claim Item" sticker is useless. I'm sure BP will make it right.


New member
Oh man that breaks my heart!

To damage such a beautiful grill :(

I was home when mine was delivered and made sure there was no damage before the guy left otherwise he was loading it back up. BP will take care of it for you


New member
I think that sticker was like waving a red cape in front of a bull!

Jim Carrey really must work for UPS.

They mutilate my pellet shipments on a regular basis, but my MAK was delivered cross-country as if on the wings of angels..


New member
Thank goodness for great dealers like BPS.

I unwittingly avoided some problems with UPS by buying from a dealer that thoughtfully shipped a guitar to me (Yes, BP. It was a Music Man.) by packing it in its original Ernie Ball Music Man box, padding it with some very resilient, spongy, egg-crate foam inside a much bigger box. I have never had a guitar shipped to me so nicely. Thanks Musician's Friend. I have ordered some guitars from BP's other company through another dealer, and UPS gave them some trauma, I must say. I've had some guitar cases bent by those guys.

More along the lines of what happened here, my retro-fit flame zone for my MAK 2-Star came in a box that was split at one of the corners. Luckily, no harm, no foul. No damage. Nothing missing. So, I didn't have to bother the BPS Customer Service team.

Big Poppa

UPs and fed ex are equal opportunity destroyers of packages....they both are equally bad. We are on it and Im glad you guys reassured filthy!


New member
I have no idea how UPS won the shipper wars. I get lots of packages from UPS every week for my business and crushed boxes are the norm.. but boy, they sure do run when they are delivering. Fast, fast, git'r done, make money, yeah!


New member
What a surprise... NOT! As I have said before, good customer service is hard to find, and GREAT customer service is even harder. But you have landed right smack dab in the middle of the best! Sometimes I wonder if all the things I see BP do are for real, but I have been the recipient of a couple of those "customer service" type things and I can tell you for sure, it's real. I very nearly bought my Memphis from another dealer and I am so glad that I stumbled onto BP before I actually did the deal. I know, I know, I am getting "mushy" here (I think BP put it.. "overachierver"), but I personally find reviews of service and products very helpful. I am very outspoken when it sucks so I try to be just as outspoken when it hits the mark. Anyway, there ya go..

Big Poppa

thanks mush all you want! Sorry for the hassle of the damaged shipment.....It is such a bummer when you wait for something and some idiot wrecked it.
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