Minnesota In May KCBS Event

On Fri 5/16 and Sat 5/17, there is a KCBC Competition being held on the Minnesota Statefair grounds.
Memphis Grills is one of the corporate sponsors and we will have a team entered in the contest.
If you are in the area stop by and say hello.
I will be getting a chance to use some of the BPS rubs that we recieved, in a competition format.
I will be easy to recognize I will be the guy running around like I don't know what I am doing.

We had fun, it only got down to 37 deg Fri night... a little cool sleeping in the trailer.

Placed 31st ot of 63 so not bad for a team that has never cooked together before. Our best finish was 19th fo pork (I used BPS Money rub black pepper and garlic powder).


Big Poppa

try sweet mponey and ditch the pepper and garlic powder next time maybe some simply marvelous pecan...too
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