No contest this week?


Welcome Quam, we'd love to have you in the weekly contest but we'd prefer you joining in daily or weekly adding your knowledge to the pool we all learn from.


New member
Will you hit the nail on the head!!!!!! Thank you

BTW Rick I understand change and believe me am not afraid of of my mantreas is "opportunity is created through change"

PS I hate the whole photobucket too wish it was like Facebook

No spanking intended..;)

PS I despise Facebook , texting and social media as a rule. Write me a letter in your own hand or pick up the phone and talk to me. This whole scene has become so impersonal that I feel we have become disconnected to the point that we have become a society of X's and O's.
What ever happened to just talking to one and other. Have we really got so busy in life we don't the time for real relationships. I certainly hope not. Sorry for the rant.



New member
Facebook? What's that? Oh yeah, that's that thing where we get to see pictures of the grandkids from time to time. Other than that, I really don't see the point of the whole thing. What I am trying to say is - make me number 3 on the list of "who has 395 friends". Maybe a definition of "friend" is in order...

On a happier note - welcome aboard Quam!! Let me echo your feelings about entering the contest - I was a bit afraid when I first got started as well. But what I found was that it is *truely* all about fun and not cut throat competition. We have a group of really nice people here and everyone one of them started at the beginning and progressed to where they are now. Win or lose, the contest is really just a lot of fun and an excellent learning tool - it will make you grow and expand your cooking ability.


New member
Thanks for the invites. Quick question... How do I add a picture from my hard drive? I've got a picture or 2 I'd share but can't seem to figure it out.
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