

New member
I knew better than to rush that pork butt.

Sure enough, it wasn't ready to pull.


So now what do I do?

Well it has good flavor, so let's cut it up and throw it in the slow cooker with some Happy Ending.


That looks pretty good, but let's spice it up.

Ok, I have some 505 green chile sauce. Will that work?


Oh yeah that ought to work great. Let's add it with a few extra diced green chiles.


Lookin' better now.

Let's let all that smokey, spicy, goodness fuse at low heat for a few hours.

It's been 4 hours and it smells great! Can we eat it now!?

Warm a tortilla and let's try it with a little cheese!



Sometimes mistakes turn out so good....
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Lesson learned and some pretty tasty lemonade
Made from the lemons. Win/win!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


New member
Nice save. Two thumbs up!
Thanks TH, for taking the time to look and comment.

What he said!
Thank you, Darwin.

Lesson learned and some pretty tasty lemonade
Made from the lemons. Win/win!
Hopefully I learned, cause the meat doesn't care how much of a hurry I'm in.
Thanks Scooter

Looks great! Always nice to get to eat your mistakes...
Some are definitely more palatable than others. :)
Thank you, Red.


New member
Now that's BBQers ingenuity at its best. Nice work!
Thanks Hank. It's the southwest version of what Scooter said, "When life gives you chilis, make chili verde!"

Heck yeah, that looks excellent!
Well, come on over and have a plate! And could you bring some of those corn cakes too? :)
Comments and compliments from you are always appreciated.

Looks great! Wish I was that creative. I will think twice now before throwing out my mistakes, which are plenty.
Thanks Norcal. When you mess up as often as I do you have to learn to improvise. My wife said this is the best thing I've made since getting my pelllet grill a couple of months ago. LOL!
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