Question Please

Hi. I have a question. I am really wanting to get a pellet smoker. Of Course a
MAK2 star Grill is my first choice. It is a little out of my price range. Not putting it down
I would love to have one. So I hope I don't instigate a war against me. I would love to have a 2 Star.

I saw Green Mountain Grills make a Stainless model. Does anyone know anything about these grills? I know they are made in China which I don't like. Can anyone speak as to if they are a good pellet grill. I know they have a 2 yr warranty and Mak offers 3 year warranty. They also have a digital controller and a meat probe input.

Any help would be appreciated



These are a good grill, their support staff are excellent! I have a Daniel Boone. I personally do not care for the stainless steel look. These are good grills especially if you want to learn how to cook on one, while you save up for one that you really want. Big Poppa Smokers is also an authorized dealer for the Davey Crockett model, not sure why only the one model and not the others. Something else you might want to look into regardless of what you buy is how long would you be down if a crucial element goes down such as a control board and you have to get another one?

Big Poppa

of the imported ones green mountain is the best and the best people behind it. They are a little leary of the internet so are getting theri feet wet with us with the one model
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