Sure hope I don't get banned with this question

If you are smoking something and it comes time to finish it off by wrapping it in foil, is there any reason the foil portion cannot be done in the oven?


New member
It's done all the time. Lets take a pork butt as an example. By the time it hits the stall it has taken all the smoke it's going to take. Sometimes I want to use the smoker for other dishes at a different temp and will finish the butt in the oven. No big deal.


Finished ... in the oven???
Oh, you are so banned!

Just kidding! ;)

Like Rick said, it's done all the time. I have done it when it was getting late and I wanted to get the grill cooled down and put away, or if I needed the grill space for something else.


No BBQ of mine will ever spend any time in the oven! Sorry, I got my principles. :)
At Casa scooter, the question is never what Q can be cooked in the oven, it's always whatever is going in the oven, can that be cooked in the MAK or drums?
So far that question has only been answered "no" one time.

Big Poppa

thats it you are out of here! once in foil you can put it on your manifold! Just kidding dont put your food there!
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