SWIISSHHHH BOOM!!! Mini explosion in the MAK

Chili Head

New member
We've all read about it..and it's happened to some of you before. Today was my turn LOL! Scared the crap outa me! I should have been recording it because I knew it was going to happen. Let me set the stage for ya..
I had just finished making some poppers and had shut the MAK off. The wife said " John can you make me some fried cheese sticks?" Sure baby ill fire the MAK up again. Well I fired it up before it was finished with the full shut down and by doing that it dumped a bunch more pellets in the pot. Too many to burn efficiently. After a few minutes I've never seen so much smoke come out of it before! Really thick smoke..I knew instantly what was going on. I let it go another few minutes to see if it would start to burn normally but the smoke just got thicker and thicker. I cant believe I didn't get a visit from the fire department there was that much smoke LOL..it was awesome! So me being the " Don't press the red button " type of guy I go lift the lid a few inches to look inside. Inside was the thickest yellowish white smoke I've ever seen. I lower the lid and turn to step away because I know it's coming..I thought it was going to go BOOM when I lifted the lid but it didn't. As soon as I turned my back..WHOOOOOOOSHBOOM!!
Have ya ever seen a husky fella go " AAAHHH! &$:):(&! " And jump a foot high? I'm sure it was quite the spectacle for the neighbors if they were watching. Funniest home videos material lol.

So little Johnny what did we learn today?

I learned to let the MAK shut down BEFORE flipping the switch back on! Duh!


New member
I sorta did the same thing chili. No boom though. Was doing a high temp burn off after my brisket fiasco and smoke was rolling like I had never seen before. The Mak "burped" out the back of the hood some gunk.

I hit the power off button.......and then it shut down completely before cool down had finished. So turned it back on, and then let it run the full cool down.

I did raise the hood an inch or so during all this......nervously ;)

Chili Head

New member
Bspooky the cheese sticks were string cheese that were breaded and fried like the poppers. They were HORRIBLE!
I used the same oil as the poppers but all the extra smoke ruined the oil.


New member
Happened to me over the weekend as well. :)

Thickest yellow/greenish smoke inside the hood you will ever see. Lots of 'smoke rising' over the roof-line of the house. Loud pop but just scattered some pellets outside of the burn cup. Lesson learned here as well, let it shut down all the way before last-minute-relights for forgotten food.

Sir Lamerok

New member
This just happened to me but I didn't restart a warm cooker it was in the middle of my cook. Lots of smoke and the fire pot blew pellets everywhere.
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