Thank you


New member
I placed my first order for a Wagyu brisket with Big Papa's on Wednesday along with 5 Lbs of burger. The dude at Strube that put my package together sent me two briskets and no burger by mistake. They figured this out the next day and sent me the burger over night so it all arrived on the same day Friday. When I opened the packages it contained a note apologizing for the mistake and 4 really nice looking steaks as a gift. So I ordered one brisket and 5 pounds of burger and I ended up getting 2 briskets, 5 pounds of burger and 4 steaks. Not a bad deal! Seriously good service. Thanks Big Papa's. I will post photos of my first Wagyu brisket on the Yoder.


New member
Wow sounds like you really scored a good deal!

They took care of you before you even knew they messed up... Now that is service :)


New member
Wow! Fantastic service! Seems to me that everything related to this forum, and to BP, is first class service. BP and his crew go out of their way to make sure any and all that order from BP Smokers are very well taken care of, especially when there is a problem. No matter how "minor". MAK and his team are the same exact way. And now Strube is proving to have outstanding customer service. First class all the way.
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