Traeger Junior Fan Failure on High, Twice


New member
RG, The class was great. Totaly worth it even for a backyarder with a Junior. I had already read most of the KCBS material online but it was great to learn about little gotch'as from a Rep & Master Judge who had seen 1000s of entries and who had also competed. It will open your eyes as to what a good box and good entry should look like.

Are you competing at JD? If not, try to get presigned as a Judge. It will change the weekend for you.
In my dreams LOL. That is an invitational competition and those invited are the best of the best. AND they some still need a little luck to get invite. Their is a drawing for some at large invites that did not qualify by winning state championships or other major wins. It's a ritual conducted where the get their "bung" pulled to gain entry. I compare it to the Masters in golf. Being good is not always enough; you need to be invited. This will be my first visit to the Jack.... I am as anxious as a bridesmaid at a wedding ;-)

BTW Bob, I lived in Englewood for many years, was VP of REMAX. I love Denver and really miss my Broncos. I was season ticket holder for many many years (old south stands, if you know what that was all about). I go back to the Orange Crush and M&M connection. Pre Elway.... old AFL

I hope we cross paths someday..
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